I wrote this out very quickly after over-hearing a conversation in the changing room at the pool. I wanted it to be less simple than arranged marriage is often presented. She'd always used the pool at the gym as a place of escape, to allow her mind to run freely for a change. Sometimes she'd find she'd done 10 lengths and not really thought of anything, like driving the car on autmonatic when you realise you're at your destination but don't remember the journey. Other times her mind would replay conversations, or worry events to death. But today she could hardly think at all and her crying tears mixed with the water in the pool so no-one would notice them. Her nother had caught her just as she left for the gym - " Divia, my darling. This cannot go on, You've got your university degree; you've had a good job but now you need to marry" "But Mum...." "All the good boys will be taken, You can be 'engaged' for a few more years ...
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